Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cakes I made!

I love baking and decorating special cakes for holidays and loved ones' birthdays.  It's time consuming, but rewarding and I think the recipients like them too!  Here are a bunch of pictures of some cakes I have made over the years.  More info on some of them on my Pinterest page....

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Ugly Sweater Season!

I'm going to an ugly Christmas sweater party tomorrow, look what I've cooked up!  You probably shouldn't eat it, but it still is tasty....

Happy Holidays!

Oh, you want directions?  Seems pretty obvs to me, but take a sweater you are ok with sacrificing to the ugly sweater gods  (this was my favorite sweater until I spilled bleach on it at work, but for some reason never threw it away, it's like destiny, huh) get some tinsel garland and little ornaments (I got mine at Target, they had a really good selection and also had battery operated lights if you wanna be extra fancy), put sweater on, make tree outline with pins (do not pin sweater to tshirt underneath....) or chalk if you have it, take sweater off, arrange tinsel and stitch stitch stitch!  I started by going around the tinsel as I zigzagged it in the tree shape, but it was taking forever, so then I just did a couple stitches on the edges of the tree to hold each row in place, then went back and weaved thread in and out going up and down along the sweater to hold the middle of the lines in place, if that makes sense.  That worked much better.  Then I put the sweater back on, sewed each ornament on with a couple stitches, took sweater off and reinforced ornaments and any tinsel that looked loose.  Voila!  It's kinda heavy, but it looks great.  Can't wait for pictures with Santa tomorrow!

xoxox JDB

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Apple Pie "Iced Capp", GI Joe, and Pork Chop Sandwiches

I love coffee!  And fall!  And this delicious Apple Pie Coffee from Dunkin.  It kinda reminds me of an iced capp from Tim Horton's.  I wish Dunkin had iced capps.  Like they have coffee coolattas, which are kinda similar like blended ice drink, but they aren't very coffee like.  I guess it's more like a frappuccino from Starbucks, but Starbucks sucks.

So here's how to do it.  Brew your coffee at your desired strength.  Chill if you can.  Pop it in the blender with ice, ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, sugar, and almond milk to taste.  Blend it up and enjoy.  I think that being cold brings out the apple flavor better than hot.  It's a yummy and refreshing little fall pick me up.

So do you want to take it to the next level?  Make it a "GI Joe" after my cousin GI who suggested adding spiced rum or brandy.  Good suggestions.  I'd also recommend bourbon (of course).

And you can't have a GI Joe without a Pork Chop Sandwich...

I LOVELOVELOVE that video.  The first time (and second and third and so on) I saw it I laughed so hard I cried.  I have the stupidest sense of humor.  Enjoy!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Beer Crust Pizza!

Do you ever get a pizza craving, but you're broke, or trying to eat less crap, or you just live in the middle of nowhere so delivery is just not an option?  Do you hate waiting around for lesser organisms to gas your carbs up?  Me too!  Do you have a bottle of beer?  Of course you do, so tell the yeast to shove it and make some beer crust for your za!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"Chicken" Sandwich on Cauliflower Almond Bun with Cold Beet Salad

Tonight I worked late, and I was walking home, thinking about what to make for dinner.  I considered stopping at Walgreens and getting some HALLOWEEN PEEPS (peeps are my favorite candy) and diet Dr. Pepper, because sometimes you just want candy for dinner and peeps are totally a good choice.  They are fat free and low in calories...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy National Pancake Day!

Now we all know that pancakes are the poor man's waffles, but there is a time and place for everything.  There isn't much better than a crispy on the outside, moist on the inside, perfectly seasoned, appropriately sweetened waffle, but pancakes aren't bad.  They are like the less attractive cousin of the waffle.  Like waffle isn't around and you've been drinking and from a certain angle, pancake is lookin gooood!  Fluffy, soft, covered in sticky sweet syrup...  No shame.  Submitted for the approval of the Pancake Society, I call this recipe...

"Pumpkin Beer Pancakes with a Bourbon Apple Compote"