Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy National Waffle Day!

Chocolate Lover and Lemon Pie

Today is National Waffle Day!  To celebrate we went to The Sloppy Waffle in Newington Connecticut.  I had never had liege waffles before (who has time for yeast dough??) and these specialty waffles just sounded absolutely delicious and they did not disappoint!  My friend had the chocolate lover (Nutella spread, home-style whip, chocolate chips and walnuts drizzled with Oreo like cookie crumb) and I had the lemon pie (lemon spread, graham cracker crumb, home-style whip, dusted with powdered sugar).  Soooo good.  I thought they might be a little too sweet and decadent, but they were spot on and the smaller size was perfect for such an indulgence.  Large enough to be satisfied, but not so much that they have to roll you out the door (we had jean shopping to do after!  Ain't no time for a food baby!)  And the iced coffee was delicious!  If you're ever in Connecticut, I highly recommend it - I know we will definitely be back.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Zucchini Ramen Veggie Burger with Grilled Romaine

Ramen Burger: Jenny Style

When I heard about the Ramen Burger I totally wanted to try it, but I'm not going to New York just for a burger, or waiting in line, and I don't even eat meat or soy, so the real deal was out. I have perfected the soy-free, slow carb veggie burger (recipe coming soon), so I needed to tackle the ramen and the teriyaki sauce. This site was really helpful and gave me some ideas. On the way to the grocery store last night to buy the ramen, feeling a little guilty about the crap carbs and empty calories in the ramen and thought "why not zucchini noodles instead?" So I picked up some locally grown zukes and went home to find a suitable teriyaki sauce recipe. I used this Terikayi Sauce Recipe as a starting point. I had some romaine in the fridge, so grilled romaine seemed like the perfect side. Let's get to gettin!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First post, better make it worthwhile?

Nah.  Dinner: unsweetened vanilla almond milk, ice cubes, vanilla extract, brown sugar, and dark cocoa powder all blended to icy perfection.  Yum!  Sometimes the simplest things can be the most satisfying.